A-Z Photo Project Wrap Up!

Wrap up!? But how can you wrap up when you haven’t finished! The reason….well…

because I want to! 😉

Lately I have been swamped. I have my last teaching practicum coming up next week and I just have not been actively making time for my photography! I was planning on just shooting ‘Z’, which would have been zucchini, and leaving out U, X and Y anyway, (even at the risk of disappointing fellow blogger John Milton, who expressed his excited to see what I came up with for X! – sorry John).
Yes there are fruits and vegetables out there that start with those letters, a quick Google search will give you a list of options I know! But having access to these fruits/vegetables is a whole other ball game, and frankly my access to them is limited if non-existent, (and the aim of this project is photography, not making endless trip to weird and wacky grocery stores to make purchases)! So really, I am only leaving Z out, because I feel it is time for me to move on!
But what about U, X and Y? Well I am still including them but I need your help…….here is how!


Tell me which photo from my A-Z Fruit and Veg Photo Project U though was X-cellent and Y!


For me, my favourite was the ‘L‘ post. The joy that I felt when I captured the steam was a great feeling. Although the photos might not be exposed perfectly – I think it adds something.


Was it worth it? Absolutely, and this is why!

  1. I learned many lessons and gained valuable skills
  2. I pushed myself creatively
  3. I made new blogging friends and had some great interactions
  4. I managed to get two photos onto foodgawker.com with my ‘A‘ and ‘B‘ posts
  5. I was featured on foodpress.com TWICE with my ‘F‘ and ‘N‘ photos
  6. I had a well known food blogger, Irvin Lin from Eat the love, fondly comment on this photo project, stating that it was a great way to learn how to use a camera!
  7. Lastly, I produced some great work that I am proud of!
Were there any downsides? Just one. I was a project that was a little too long for me, but I don’t regret starting it or the way it turned out!
Time for something new! What ever that may be 😉


18 thoughts on “A-Z Photo Project Wrap Up!

  1. Loved them all, very inspirational! Favourites are a toss up between A ‘apple’, fresh and bright… P ‘pomegranate’ shiny and pretty and R ‘radish’… I particularly like the radishes on the dark bench!
    Good luck with your last prac, look forward to your next creative adventure, when you have some more time!! 🙂

    • Thanks Tammy! Now that I look at the collage, I am pretty impressed! Yes the apple was a great post. It still remains the most viewed post. I am looking forward to prac, something different than just assignments – which are driving me batty!

  2. thank you for taking time to do the project. for me my favourite is P for pomegranate. i feel like its real…i can relate to the mess of eating food or fruit like this one. i feel like you were able to mix ‘pretty food styling’, but yet also managed to keep the experience authentic and so ‘real life.’ btw, what camera do you use?

    • You are most welcome! Yes, I completely agree with the ‘real’ factor. I am glad that you think I could capture the true essence of the subject whilst still making it look nice. Its a lot harder than I imagined. I have a Nikon D300 on loan which I have been using. I have now saved enough money for my own camera, and could well be purchasing the one I am using, but we shall see.

  3. I think I’ll go with the radishes, they are radiant.
    I will miss eagerly checking your blog to see what you came up with….

    • Yes I love the red vegetables too. Something sassy and succulent about them. I never had much to do with radishes before Matt come along! Even though I will be busy, I still have a few ideas up my sleeve!

  4. What a fantastic series, even without X!!. I was waiting, as you mentioned, but even though I had googled it, I was no better off. Xerophyte, Xigua were all I could find & I still don’t know what they are & they certainly don’t look or sound appetising. I have certainly not been disappointed with any aspect of this series. It’s been a fantastic journey, looking at fruit & veg in a whole different way.
    Its hard to choose a fave, but J, Jalapeño is probably top. I love this vegetable a lot & can’t get enough of them. Every picture was excellent though.

    U really have a wonderful skill & I for one can’t wait for the next X-cellent series – Y, because its bound to be great. I’m off to get some ZZZZZ’s now.

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Apple, dates, eggplant and pea are my faves. I love the simple white negative space punctuated with the fruit/vegetables of the apple and pea photos. The eggplant is amazingly cool because of how you cut and then re-assembled it (plus I love the texture of the eggplants you chose. The dates was one that I missed originally but I think it is one of your best in terms of lighting, props and composition.

    You’ve done an amazing job with this project. So many great shots and you’re just starting your journey. The future is bright! 🙂

    • So many favourites! I love it. The negative space is very powerful and easy to use. Even a fall back if all else fails! Thank you for your kind words. It does feel good to put it all together!! X

  6. Pingback: The Coolest Thing To Do With Pomegranate Seeds « Two Loves

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